Bing Fair

Sunday we braved the heat and the Bing Children's Fair. I hadn't been since I went with the Skidmore's when Jen was in preschool there (and I was 4 or 5!)... all I remember was fishing over a bridge. As soon as we walked into the Fair there was the bridge with the same little magnetic fish for kids to fish for! Francie and Dad waited in a long line to "Sh-ish" but I think that was her favorite activity. Heff helped Francie at all of the fun things to do while I was on Maisie/camera duty :) It was a fun afternoon even though it was packed and pushing 95 degrees out!

Waiting in line with Dad

Catching "sh-ishys"

Maisie chillin in her bassinet


"Look sissy... i got a sh-ishy!"

trying to find the ducks with stars on them to pick a prize


Making "buildings"
sneaking a taste of glue ;)

the creepiest/most popular kids booth: "washing dollies" Hummm....

Daddy holding TWO worn out babies... time to head home!