Hanging Out at Home

We've been taking advantage of the "newborn baby" stage and hanging out at home a lot (oh, and avoiding the Swine Flu) We've had lots of friends drop by to visit and are very appreciative of all the great meals people have brought over for us- we've been eating very well. Dad has been taking Francie on some of her own special outings (just wait for the next post!) and Maisie has been an easy baby so far happy to just hang out and watch what's going on around her. Some nights she has slept 5-6 hours straight only waking up once but some night she likes to grunt and make herself known about once an hour between the 1-5am range... Dad takes on both girls in the morning on those nights so I can catch up on sleep ;) Thanks Heff! But we are loving life with two baby girls.

Maisie says "Waking up is hard to do" (just like her mom and her sister :)

Francie's friend Rose and her mom Lena brought lunch over one day...

These girly-girls played with "purses" and read Fancy Nancy

and Francie showed Rose how to feed her chickens (sorry Rose:)

Maisie just hanging with the big girls

Francie coming in for kisses

Cozy little bear

Jannie came over in the afternoon with a new puzzle for Francie and to hang out with her girls

Little sis watching from a distance

Big sis looking for trouble