Warm Nights

The weather has been so nice... summer is here! Thursday night Maisie and I walked down to the market to get a few things for dinner while Dad and Francie were out on a run. Despite the multitude of strollers cluttering our house I needed room for the groceries and Maisie just wanted to be held so I packed her in the Bjorn and carried the radio flyer wagon behind me :)

We brought back some strawberries for the Little Doo

Maisie hung out in her bouncy when we were making dinner

and Francie put on her apron to help Mom cook quesadillas

yummmmmm... Francie is quite the chef ;)

and played peek-a-boo with Dad after dinner

Friday morning we hung out in our PJ's most of the morning :) Francie called her Jannie on mom's phone to say "good morning!"

and my "Little Ham"

Silly Sister