Saturday Night Out

Saturday Night was our neighborhood Cocktail Party. The party was a Vegas theme and was a really fun night hanging out with our neighbors (without the kiddies for once!), drinking Prosecco and a little gambling of course! Last year we hosted the "Caribbean Party" at our house- we have a fun group of parents in our neighborhood and it's always a fun night!

The girls in their bubble suits (thanks Kat!) before we left... Francie went over to Jannie and Grampa's and Maisie tagged along with her parents

Maisie is ready for the party

she hung out in the sling with me most of the night... her little feet hung out to keep her cool!

Heff and our "McKendry Curve" neighbors Miles and Ben

...and their wives Chrissie and Sandra with Maisie and I

Some of the party planners

Shuffle up and deal!