Mother's Day Weekend in Red Bluff

We went up to Red Bluff Thursday night through Sunday for Mother's Day Weekend. Oma and Opa had all three of their sons (Brian, Mark & Craig) with their wives and baby girls at the house for the weekend! It was great to see the youngest granddaughters together. We had a shower for Aunt Kat (Heff's sister who lives in Red Bluff) who is getting married in two months. Her fiance, Donald's family came down from Oregon for the shower so it was fun to meet his mom, aunt and grandmother too. We hung out around the house passing around babies, played with the ponies, goats and chickens and were entertained by Isabel and Francie as usual. We brought my devil-dog Ollie up with us and he tried to help Oma with her ground squirrel problem... Heff took matters into his own hands though and brought our his crossbow to attack the problem! It was a great weekend in Red Bluff :)

The Flynns came over for dinner Friday night- Francie and Isabel loved playing with the big girls

Everyone checking out the finished product ~ Oma's new chicken coop with 6 little teenager hens

Madeline (Heff's goddaughter) holding Maisie, she is so sweet with babies and very patient with the toddlers

Heff and Kristie Flynn

Thing 1 and Thing 2

Andrea was working away to put the finishing touches on quilts she made for Maisie and for Clara... they are beautiful, she put in a lot of work to make them! Thanks Aunt Andrea (or as Francie was calling her 'Uncle Dre-a"

Donald's Mom, Susan, kept Maisie very happy

Silly Sansie in her PJ's but nowhere near ready for bed :)


Saturday started out with a dip in the spa

Kat steering clear of the splashing monsters, looking pretty for her shower!

Maisie snoozing on Susan

Aunt Kat and Francie snacking at the shower at Cathleen's house next door

time for presents

I am at a loss for words on this picture... I'm sure you are too.

Good thing sweet little Maisie was inside sleeping through her Dad's squirrel tirade

Nugget the Pony is trying to sneak a peak at someone's bare bum!
(Isabel preferred to run around in only croc's and a hair bow for the afternoon :)

Oma's mother's day gift the boys put together... a trellis for upside down hanging tomatoes! Trying to outwit those darn squirrels. Maybe Oma just needs to get a crossbow?

Susan and I made Kat and Donald endure an engagement photo shoot... they are a cute couple!
as Kat says: "He's a little bit country and she's a little bit rock and roll!"

Can't wait for the wedding!

Craig and Andrea down by the barn

Ronan and Margaret

Great look France

loving her new headband flower bow

Oma and her four youngest grand-daughters: Francie, Clara, Maisie and Isabel

Great Grandma with the babes... Francie was off throwing a fit because someone was holding "Mom's Baby" and refused to get in the picture

My Little-over-protective-drama-queen ;) still upset even though Maisie is back in my arms

Family shots... The Brian Heffernans ;)

The Craig Heffernans (Craig, Andrea, Isabel 20 months and Number Two Due in September!)

Silly parents...

just like Izza-bizza :)

The Mark Heffernans (Sarah and Clara Marie- 6 weeks old!)

The girls took a sunset walk down to the barn to check on their favorite pony Nuggie

Mom and her Doo

Aunt Kat entertaining the troops before dinner... Kindergarten songs are their favorite!

Daddy and his littlest love

Bathtime. Playing at the barn all day gets a baby DIRTY!

All clean and snuggling with dad... in matching PJ's of course! (oh I am in heaven :)


Sunday morning pony ride with Oma and Dad

Ronan, Francie and Isabel sharing the beloved helmets

Taking turns

The love affair continues...

patiently waiting

comparing belly buttons

"I don't think that bike was made to fit a 6 foot 9 silly uncle"