"Hat-to-Birt-Day Mommy!"

I had a very special 31st birthday on Sunday... with my favorite things and my favorite people :) I got to sleep in and woke up to a big sprinkled donut, cards, a big bottle of White Star and a cute Happy Birthday banner above the front door! Heff was very thoughtful and made my whole day. We had brunch at Bistro Vida downtown Menlo Park (where they know me so well the waiter brings me an extra large Arnold Palmer when I sit down :) with Jannie, Grampa, Uncle James, my friend Anne and Francie's buddy Benji. It was supposed to rain but turned out to be a beautiful day. After brunch and opening my dad's infamous stack of funny cards from every family member and pet to date... we strolled around downtown and hit up the playstore. Then Sunday afternoon we checked into the brand new (just opened on April 2!) Rosewood at Sand Hill Resort. It was SO nice and totally felt like we were on vacation even though we didn't leave Menlo Park (and THAT is my kind of vacation!) We took Francie for a swim, explored the resort and then I got some poolside time and a massage while Heff took Francie to church (Palm Sunday- bad mom!) and handed her off to my parents for the night. He met me back at the hotel and we had a great dinner at the bar that lasted 3+ hours (GREAT food, service was a little slow:) We sure missed that Little Doo but she had a great time at her "Slumba Party" with Jannie and Grampa. No baby on my birthday but we're hoping he/she makes an appearance soon!!

Francie and Jannie at Vida for brunch

Uncle James!

The Johnets (a little blurry;)

After the playstore Dad taught Francie how to blow bubbles from the BubbleBear

Anne and Mary

and gave "MarySances" a ride on his shoulders

Getting her swim suit on at the hotel... and maybe a little jumping on the bed

Poolside and ready for a swim

This is the life

and after a quick swim it's off to mass with her Daddy

My "mocktail" at the bar ;)