Francie's First Slumber Party

Sunday night Craig and Andrea went to play a new strategy game with Uncle Mark at his house so Heff and I got Isabel and Francie all to ourselves for the evening! The girls played to well together, they took turns "sharing" dolls and toys and gave each other lots of hugs and kisses. Isabel fell asleep with us (their games are no joke!) but her Mom and Dad picked her up a while after... Francie woke up asking for Isabel and a slumber party :)

Dinner time

Snuggled up on the couch together

Playing with the toys on the table top

Silly girls showing off their outfit changes

Comparing belly buttons

Then we had a SLUMBER PARTY! Heff, Isabel, Francie and I all cozy-ed up together in our tiny double bed :) The girls were exhausted after playing together all day and fell fast asleep after a few stories and bedtime songs. They are so fun to have together.