Where Are You BABY!?

Could this be our last picture together as a family of three?! I sure hope so... but we're patiently waiting for Francie's baby brother or sister to arrive. I'm passing the time playing online poker tournaments (thanks a lot James ;) in between cleaning out my email inbox and getting things settled at work and Heff is still working and playing with Francie. Yesterday A-woo-son stopped by after work to drop off our ViaCord kit and brought Francie a surprise too! We had a fun visit. Then last night we got moving and went out to dinner with my parents and Ann and Earl Skidmores at Calafia, a new restaurant at Town & Country Village in Palo Alto opened by one of the "Google chefs." It was yummy and a fun night out. It's a full moon tonight... we want to meet you Baby Heff Number 2!

"cheeese!"-y girl next to her very impressively decorated gift bag Allison :)

She's too excited about the bag and the new flower-bow that came on it to open it up!

Cute wrapping for mom and baby-to-be too A-woo!

Easter bubbles and a Lift-the-flap Easter Egg Book... Francie's favorites!

Ann, Jannie and Francie dressed up for dinner at Calafia

Cocktails with the big people (they brought her her very own mocktail!)

Francie had a vegetable pot pie in a mini Le Crueset... it was adorable!

Francie and Daddy coming back from "wash hands" in the fancy bathrooms... she was SO excited to tell us all about it

Who loves you Sansie!?

She had to go back for the hand dryer a few times... this thing was so powerful she had 80's bangs!

Jan, John, Ann and Earl... they've known each other since Lamaze class 31 years ago!

Entertaining us all after dinner

Ann couldn't resist a kiss! Thanks for a fun dinner out Skidmores!!