Adventures with Dad

Francie and Heff flew down to LA this morning to visit with the Heffernan clan. Brian and Uncle Mark had to leave their wives behind thanks to Southwest's fear of 8-9 month pregnant ladies. They were thinking they'll probably be mistaken for two gay guys on the flight with their toddler :) Francie is having lots of fun with Dad and they are sending me updates from dad's camera "shone" (phone) to keep me from missing them too much...

She told us she was "packing" too last night. Then she put on Dad's shoes and carried her "purse" and said she had to go to a "meeting." Don't bother her- she's busy.

Got a sticker at security and made it through a safe 7am flight

Tuckered out after playing at John & Barbara's house in Newport Beach AND a visit to the park with Isabel (all this in a day when I am still at home in my Juicy's at 3pm organizing baby clothes:)

and a visit to Granpa and Grandma Heffernan's gravesite after lunch

I'm sure I'll get made fun of by my in-laws for my OCD packing of Francie's outfits last night... How else would Dad keep the matching bows/tights/shoes/onesies straight!?

and this is what I am doing at home to keep myself entertained...
I think they call this "nesting"? :)

but the end result is oh-so-worth it

I have an addiction to buying baby clothes, apparently, evident by the fact my favorite's from "Le Cirque" get their own bin.

Which one will it be!? (The only thing I have purchased for the new baby are two onesies! I know I only have one child and she is a girl but somehow I ended up with just as many newborn boy outfits from the first time around... I really thought Francie was going to be a boy!)