Francie's Friday

Friday Francie was waiting and waiting for her cousin Isabel to arrive! Craig, Andrea and Isabel drove up from LA but got a late start so Francie didn't get to see Izza-bizza until Saturday morning (they are troopers for driving up and getting in at 1am!) We had lunch with Jannie and Oma in Half Moon Bay so tehy could check out the knitting store... then we had a mellow day Friday afternoon around the house and for the first time in too long did NOTHING Friday night. We didn't even make dinner, just snacked on cereal and snacks! It was a nice break :)

This is where Daddy lets Francie nap...

She needs her minutes to wake up on her own or she's a grouch

Francie and I accidentally in "matching PJ's" at home Friday night - Dad made fun of us enough to pick up the camera :)

And mom picks up the camera to take a picture of Francie stuck under her elephant (or as she says "Ops-sops") instead of helping her... at least her Dad rescued her.