Still Waiting....

Now that Cousin Clara has arrived we're just waiting for our little bundle! Francie thinks she has a baby in her belly too of course and that they both need to "come out" as soon as they get a little bigger. She seems like such a big girl lately - maybe because she knows she is going to be a big sister. She is very independent and likes to do everything "a-self." We finished a few little projects around the house last weekend and Francie pitched in to help....

Francie comes up with some interesting ensembles at home on "work days"

Francie helped Dad clean out the garage and had lunch on the "moto-cylce." She's contemplating sharing with Ollie...

Holding on the the sippy for dear life

Jannie and Grampa came over for dinner Sunday night after mass and Grampa read Francie the entire anthology of "Good Dog Carl" (thanks Aunt Mimi!)

Sansie got a new potty from her Jannie ~ She thinks she is a big girl but only likes to sit on it fully clothed

She's been spending lots of time in the mornings playing in the front yard with her "Dog Ollie"... and a little time in "time out" too ;)

And finally these economic times call for extreme measures! ;) We took Francie's "First Birthday" coins that her grampa gave her (a big pink piggy bank that unfortunately broke on the way to the birthday bash) to the CoinStar machine... Francie made out alright with $600 in cold hard cash!! Hummmm, do Mom & Dad really have to take this cash to the bank? Francie won't notice ;)

Oh I forgot, she counted it.