Baby Number Two Who?

"WHAT are you talking about? Another baby coming to my house? I don't think so...."

"I like my world just the way it is." :)

Less than three weeks to go and feeling like it could be any day... hospital bags packed? No. Carseat for coming home? No. Newborn diapers or ANY supplies? NO! It's a whole lot different with the second baby :) But we are taking this weekend to get ready for Baby Heff Number Two so give us your best guess on the birth date, time, sex, weight and all the stats in the BABY POOL!

Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mark are in serious countdown mode with just days to their due date... Aunt Kat made matching bunny ears hats for the Menlo Oaks crew (Francie gets one too:) Can't wait to meet Baby Heff # 2's buddy!

Keep a lookout for that stork Francie...