A Special Day for Kaky

The memorial mass and reception for Kaky were on Tuesday... St. Patrick's Day- at St. Patrick's church- and the mass was said by her cousin Father Patrick (the Irish girl's Trifecta!) My grandmother's funeral mass was also on St. Patrick's Day 4 years ago- at St. Patrick's church in Watsonville- and the mass was supposed to be said by Father Patrick but he was ill and she missed the triple :) It was a very special day for Kathy. Jannie and Mimi, Rich, John and Emmy did a great job to make sure every detail was just how Kaky would have wanted it. The church was packed with friends and family, it was a sunny "Mary Sheehy" kind of day in Watsonville and the mass was a beautiful tribute to Katherine Belding. We will miss her so much.

We stayed at Pajaro Dunes the night before (where my grandparents used to live) and Heff took Francie for a walk on the beach before mass Tuesday morning...

While they were waving to us up at the house a wave came in and "Got Sansie" She was not very happy and screamed "Be Tare-ful!!" It was

We were at St. Patrick's church by 10am and waited together as a family until the mass began at 11:00. We had big photos of Kathy through-out her life (as a cute little baby girl, newly married to Rich, smiling proudly with her twins, a few years ago with the whole family, etc) as you walked in- it was a sad day of missing her but a wonderful celebration of her life and the beautiful person she was.

I was honored to do Kaky's eulogy. There was so much to say it is way too long to share all of it, but my favorite story that is just so "Kaky" I wanted to post...

"One day in the hospital about a week after she was told there was nothing more the doctors could do, Kathy said she was a little worried about what it would be like to go to heaven and my mom said "But Kathy- we believe you're going on to the beautiful place and we're the ones who will suffer here without you..." and Kathy said "Oh I know. And I'll get to see Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa...." She was quiet for a moment. Then she said "And famous people too." ... and with all the energy and conviction we know Kathy to posses she said "I'm going right up to Nicole Brown Simpson and asking her EXACTLY what happened!"

Emmy's beautiful "Hands That Hold" photos

The reception was held at Pajaro Dunes and we shared our favorite Kaky stories and listened to "Kaky's Song" together over and over outside in the sunshine.

Claire, Father Patrick and Mimi

Francie in a special dress just for Kaky's Day

Em and Marla with Jackson (he is such a big guy now!)

Heff with Uncle Bill and Jerry Carter

Jen (flew all the way out from New York) with Me and Francie-doo

The Forsts and Emmy

Jannie and her friends who all loved Kaky

Francie and A-woo at the cupcake table

Francie and Mom with Jackson and Marla

John and Heff after the BBQ duties

Ummm... Watsonville strawberries

Jerry and A-woo

Janet and her "Watsonville boyfriends"

With my husband and my BFF Emmy :)

Listening to Kaky's Song

Drew entertains Francie

John, Emmy and Rich

The Dance Team put on quite a show

The Kreefts kids and the Belding kids

Heff throwing the football around with the kiddies

The siblings... we'll ALL miss you so much Kaky. Thanks for giving us so many laughs, good times and love.

"I have no doubt anyone will forget Katherine Anne Belding. Remember her spirit and charm, her laugh, and her contagious smile. Be a good friend and make others feel welcome and loved- especially those who need it the most. Remember that life is a gift. Hold your family close to your heart and most of all make sure you don't miss any of the fun."