Francie's First Haircut

Francie had her first haircut today! Heff and I battled over whether she would go to MY favorite hair guy, Raul, or his faithful barber, The Dirty Cuban. I won. We went to the La Belle salon this afternoon and had a pow-wow of stylists deciding how much to cut, what to do with the curls and how to clean up her mullet. Raul didn't think she'd sit in the chair but she was pretty excited about her smock and the twirling chair and sat pretty still the whole time. Raul worked quickly and she looks like such a big girl now! She still has a few curls but it got the clean-up it needed :) Even Dad approved.

Raul goes to work... she was a little skeptical at first...

Her face looking at herself in the mirror was priceless!

Still sitting pretty with her favorite special pink shoes of course

Dad was a good sport in the salon and Raul commented how "charming" he was :) Francie and I agree.

"Just make sure I can still wear my bows Raul."

"What do you think Mom?"

All done "Thank you" and a hand out for "Hi Meet You!"
(her version of 'Hi, nice to meet you')

"Let's go dad... leave a good tip."

Mom and Francie back home

The cleaned up Mullet

I picked a white bow but she INSISTED on the giant blue bow this morning. It's starting.

Looking for her beloved doggie hiding behind the shed

"You better hold me Mom, I don't think I should be out in the chicken coop with my party shoes on."

My First Haircut!