March 8 & 9

Sunday we spent the day in Aptos with the whole family for Uncle Rich's birthday (March 8) and Aunt Kaky's birthday (March 9). We shared a lot of tears and a lot of laughs... it's a hard time but being together is nice. Heff and Francie came straight down to the beach from the airport and we BBQ'ed for Uncle Rich's birthday and all took turns holding Kaky's hands.

We all picked a "heart shaped rock" Jannie collected to remember this weekend
(Kaky's post here)

Kaky's four siblings with their Kaky hearts

Janet making it a competition of course trying to guess who will pick which rock.. she was right on at least 6 or 7 :)

The Little Doo

The twins and Francie

Emmy B photography :)

I missed my Francie

Francie and Emmy

Obsessed with the kitty-cat "Cousin Murray"

She says "Yucky! ew goss!" I wonder who taught her that?

Grandpa and Francie


Francie pretending she is a "little tiny baby" with Aunt Mimi's tiny baby

Daddy's hands

Francie's says "Am I really related to all of these guys?"

Happy Birthday Uncle Rich (and good job on the candle choice Uncle John and Uncle Jerry... there was talk about throwing six 12 packs of candles in the cart on the Uncle's solo mission to Safeway until one reminded the other it might be hard to actually fit 67 candles on one cake:)

Cousins and the cake

Uncle Rich shared the honors with Francie

Make a wish

"One for me..."

"One for Emmy."

Listening to "Kaky's Song" on the iPhones

We love you Kaky.
We know you're holding on through the birthdays so you don't miss all the fun.