The Palm Springs Life

Monday we hung out by the pool, swam, snacked, read and did a whole lot of nothing... it was great :) We did venture to downtown Palm Springs on a walk to see all the places Jannie stayed/ate when she was a little girl and got some old-school ice cream scoops at the "Thrifty's" ice cream counter (remember the cylinder-shaped scoops?!) We had lots of sun Monday and Francie kept her Jannie and Grampa on their toes running around the yard and splashing on the stairs in the pool.

Not a bad place to spend the day!

Ready to jump on in

Swimming with Grampa... the first day she stepped right off the steps and went under so she was a little timid to go much further but had fun on the steps

Naked baby drinking Mom's 'mocktail' OJ. Heff got me some O'Douls to enjoy poolside too :)

Francie loved playing on the slide Grampa turned into a water slide with the hose

and talked Jannie into playing INSIDE the "house!"