49er Fans

Sunday Heff took Francie to her FIRST 49er game at Candlestick Park. Kevin and "Baby Ryan" went along with them. He's not a baby anymore but Francie still calls him Baby Ryan the Lion. The drove up together, met the Carters for some tailgating and made it to the second half of the game before heading home. Francie loved watching the "mans fight" on the field. I'm kinda glad she's taking my place as Heff's date to major sporting events :)

(kinda like a year ago when Brian and Kevin took the kids to the Sportsman's Expo!)

In order to leave, Brian had to convince Francie that all of the dolls were done sunning themselves. She lays down with them and says "ahhhhhh."

Ready to go

They tailgated with the Carters before the game...

Little 9er fans already

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog...

What are you doing Greg?

Kev, Ryan, Heff and Francie in the stands (Francie's favorite part was the cheerleaders..."those aren't big girls dad. Those are MOMS." ouch.

Kevin was in charge of getting snacks... chocolate covered Haagen-Daz bars. Good call according to Francie. Not so much according to clean-her-up dad.

Where are you four going next??