River Hike

"Christmas" morning after presents we all piled in the big rigs and drove down to the river for a hike. It was chilly and about to rain but made for fun in the mud for the kids and an adventure for everyone :)

The Jelly's Ferry Bridge

Setting out

Mark, Sarah and Clara Marie

Mary and Heff :)

Patrick Moby wrapped up on Maureen

Potty break (first time peeing outside- her Dad was so proud)

Big girls

Snuggled up

Thanks for suggesting the girls carry the giant stick the whole walk Uncle Mark

Oma and Isabel bringing up the rear

cousins on a log
add the babies with their Daddy's (the three brothers!)

Heff and his woodsman babies

Ellie and Maggie

Uncle Cake

Uncle Mark and Clara

Uncle Bri-nan

Almost the whole Famn Damily

Craid, Andrea and Thomas

Aunt Sarah

walking back

It took Isabel a few shots to warm up to a smily photo with her mom

I'm so lucky I married in to such a fun family :)