Christmas/Birthday Dinner Affair

We made December 28 our official Heffernan Christmas Dinner which also falls on the birthday of the twins- Claire and Cathleen. Everyone pitched in for an International themed dinner and the house was filled with smells of curry, flour and Hungary :) We opened the adult presents that night and decided we have reached a new level of chaos with so many people and little kids in the house!

and Patrick, well... Patrick NEEDED a bath. He loves tiolets. He found a toilet WITH a surprise in it. Stirred the pot (pun intended) and splashed it all over. He got a bath- but he pooped in the bath too. He got another bath. Now he's all clean :)

Francie was the last kid standing and pulled out the waffle iron when we weren't looking. Almost woke the whole house up dropping it on the floor and we had to convince her to wait for morning for Oma's famous waffles. The moms and dads did karaoke on the PS2 all night but I'll spare you those photos :)