Christmas Tea with the Babies

the littlest one above, Emerie only 9 days old! Monday afternoon we had the Mariani girls and some friends over for a Christmas Grandmother-Mother-Daughter (baby/aunt/brother) Tea :) It's a tradition we've been doing for three years now (although the first year had a much bigger crowd and we've kinda whimped out and gotten smaller- the Mariani family fills the house!)

Tracy and I with the littlest baby girls

Maisie and Stella (who didn't feel like wearing her shirt :)

Sofia busy on her cell riding King Harry

Whitney pretty in her red dress and red shoes

Kids at the train

and who's at the door?! SANTA!!

Moms and aunties watching

Cute Wil- the first one on Santa's lap

Joe Joe and Santa

Francie was a "wittle scared" and stayed safe on Jannie's lap NEXT to Santa

My godson James

Stella (the big girl Stella :)



Jannie, Grampa and Francie

Happy Kids (and THANKS for coming to visit Santa! Funny, our friend Dr. Durando had to close up shop early Monday afternoon and Jannie has been purchasing a lot of "velvet Santa suit" items on eBay lately...)

Nancy and Jannie

Heff and not-so-happy Maisie Moo

Tracy and Stella

Janna (looking great 9 days after having her fourth baby), Stella, Molly (looking great with Baby #3 Due in January!) and Heff with still-not-so-happy Maisie

Kids getting ready to do a "show" for everybody

8 kids hiding quietly under a blanket while the guests take their seats for the show

Merry Christmas! Jingle Bells and Rudolph to follow...

their audience

Nancy and her nine day old neice Emerie

Whitney's turn

Emerie Arlene

Mary and the Mariani girls (minus Julie!)