Maisie at 8 months!

8 Months and 27 Months!

I hardly ever keep track of what the girls are doing when (other than by photos of course!) and I'm a little behind on the parallel pics


*She does "SO BIG!" for "How big is Maisie?" and lifts her arms above her head...
*Then she "Smashes um down" in her lap
*Waving to say hi (her wave is "I'm to cool" hand in the air at you with a little smirk) and expects you to clap when she waves
*Squinty Face with squinty eyes and laughs at herself in the mirror
*Crawls like a mad-baby
*Cruises on furniture or along the wall or with a push toy
*Stood unassisted a couple times (and was sooo proud of herself)

She seems taller than Francie was at this age but is more petite