Baby Grads

Last week was the Graduation Day for the babies in our Stanford Moms Group. We had dinner at Mark and Sarah's house the night before and Sarah said she had to work up in Davis the next morning so I asked her if I could take Clara with us to the big graduation party :) Mark walked Clara Marie over in the morning and we packed up all three girls for some fun. We stopped by Francie's playgroup at Isaac's house before the baby party and then Francie had a date with her Dad. The Stanford Moms directors did such a cute job hosting us with cupcakes and cider and pictures of each of us with our little grads!

Playgroup kids festive before Christmas at Isaac's house

Baby Clara held her own with the troops

Jazzy didn't want any group photos- just wants to look cute next to her mom

babies lined up

Maisie steals Clara's binky


Clara Marie


We're so proud of you Maisie Moo :)