Little Nutcase

This morning I woke up to Francie standing there LICKING the metal pole on the lamp next to my bed. I asked her what she was doing, and with her tongue still pressed to the lamp pole said...
"I -eed to -ind ah sagpole."
(translation = I need to find a flagpole)
Maybe a little TOO MUCH Christmas Story Daddy!

Then we were driving to go to lunch with Emmy and she told us this story in one giant breath...

"Poor mommy and daddy are going to be so sad after we go to Disneyland because they aren't going to have a big girl anymore because I'm staying with Mickey. He's picking me up at 6 o'clock and we're goin' on an airplane to Professor Von Drake's house and I'm going by MYSELF."

Subliminal messages in the Clubhouse theme song??