Visit to Santa

Saturday morning we met Chad, Lindsey, Isaac and Wyatt at the shopping center on a mission to see Santa. Francie has been asking for three things for Christmas (but she was totally terrified to sit on his lap and asked Isaac if he would tell Santa for her :) She wants:
1) the REAL Mickey Mouse (her most frequently requested Santa suggestion)
2) More Elves (isn't that like asking for more wishes when you get the lamp?)
3) A Bike
Not sure how Santa is going to come through on the first two France...

Francie and Isaac quizzed each other on the Redwood Forest Trivia while we waited

Francie took a little coaxing

Finally decided she would maybe sit "nearby him"

Doesn't she look thrilled? (Maisie was a happy camper!) Of course right after Francie got up and was 10+ feet away her courage came back and THE REAL SANTA was all she talked about

Afterwards we all piled in CPK for lunch... the babies :)

Heff on double duty