More Ballet

We had ballet again this week and didn't have the usual entourage of at least Jannie, Emmy and Dad to watch (but Heff made it over to hold Maisie while "Mommy and Me" danced! He is so cute through the glass smiling from ear to ear watching Francie so serious about her ballet moves :) Francie thinks she is quite the ballerina... she tries to mimic everything the teacher does but her interpretation is hilarious! These were some photos from last week Emmy took of Francie in her Halloween ballet getup.

Always checking to see if her audience is appropriately enthralled

"I am a BIG, OLD TREE!"

Maisie the Pumpkin Baby watching and waiting til one day she too can dance

time for pinwheels and "free dance" (even more hilarious)


Good job my uncoordinated little ballerina