Lunch with Friends

Tuesday we went to lunch with Jannie and some of Kaky's friends she grew up with who came for a little visit. Our old favorite Red Currant restaurant at Allied Arts Guild closed a couple months ago but the new place that re-opened "Cafe Primavera" is even better (they like kids now ;) Then Tuesday night Heff and I had a benefit dinner and Jannie had the nerve to have a dinner planned with her friends ;) So Grampa babysat Francie for the night, they hit up the toy store and got a new Minnie Mouse doll and talking Mickey toy and then had dinner together at the Oasis and played pinball... she loved it! Maisie got to have a date with her BFF Christian and I picked her up snuggled in an adult size cozy Little Giraffe blanket on Christian's couch next to her little doggies- she looked pretty happy but might have screamed for awhile- sorry!!

Francie walked herself to the gate ready to go. She insisted on bringing her suitcase full of clothes she packed herself. I told her we didn't need to bring all that and she pleaded "YES Mom, I need them in case I PEE!"

and a basket of wooden fruit to make Jannie lunch

Maisie saw me sneak both items back inside while Francie wasn't looking ;)

Maisie wore Emmy's dress

and Francie woke up to a berry parfait

Jannie and the girls

Carol Ann, Jannie, Francie and Joan

My big girl!