Thanksgiving 2009

Enough silliness... here are the real pictures from a nice family Thanksgiving at Jannie and Johns on Thursday. We had my mom's family, Em's family and my Uncle Andy's family join us too. It was a fun day with lots of food, lots of kids and lots of laughs. Thanks Jannie and Grampa for a great Thanksgiving celebration! We all have a lot to be thankful for.

Jannie, Sue and Nikki in the kitchen

Joe, Marla, Uncle Jerry and Aunt Mimi hanging out outside

Baby Ann, Em, Maisie, James and Johners at the bar

Jannie's pretty tables... one for real adults, one for parents of young kids, one for old kids and one for little kids :)

Brooke not feeling great but being a good sport with her parents Nikki and Tony

John and Andy getting the turkey on the platter with the turkey moving-tool

Heff manning the brussel sprouts

Ann and I with our sister-in-law-to-be Em

Jannie and Francie Doo

Uncle Andy with Maisie Moo

soon to be passed back to her godmom

Jannie got a new horse (has to try and keep up with Oma!) named King Harry. Francie is in love

Dad and The Doo


Newly engaged

Time to eat!

and of course the "parents of small children" table is still empty

Big John finally getting his plate

Maisie LOVED potatoes!

Moms finally get to sit

Full tummy, happy sleepy baby

James and Em whipped up their annual tradition- PIES. They were amazing!

My brother was playing an online poker tournament all night with Uncle Jerry = laptop next to him ALL NIGHT! But paid off and he WON the tournament! $592 for first place out of 90 other really cool people spending Thanksgiving on their computer ;)

Whipped cream for the pies

ABA putting the leftovers away for the next day

A-woo brought dessert... cute turkey cupcakes!

Faces of Drew ;)

still playing...

time for the real deal!