Whitney's Birthday on the Ranch

Wednesday we went out to Morgan Hill to Dea's Ranch to celebrate Whitney's birthday! She wanted a cowgirl party out on the ranch and even had a pony and little petting zoo come out for the kids. We were happy to be included (especially since Whitney's cousins alone are just about double digits now!) It was a FUN day.

Cowgirl lunch

My cute godson James and his cowboy brother Wil

Cowboys are too cool for photos Aunt Mary!

Maisie Moo taking things in

My man Joe

Stella snacking on PB&J


The grandmoms Arlene and Jannie with the birthday girl's Mom, Nancy

Cowboys on the fence

On her way down to play with the big kids on the swingset

WOAH Nellie!

Stella Stink Eye

Maisie and I enjoying our chili

Kids and chickens

Whitney watching the action

Sofia taking care of her little cousin

Giddy Up Whitney

Maddie wants my camera


What is that look Francie Pants?

Me and my girls

waiting on the PONY


Jannie and Nellie

"Don't forget about me!"

Petting zoo

Guniea pigs, fancy chickens and bunny rabbits

Janna and Stella- due with number FOUR in a month!

"LOOK it's a pony!!!" (That just hopped out of a VAN!! :)

"Where's my hat mom?"

"That's better"

Lil' Cowgirl

Just chewing on some hay

The birthday girl gets the first pony ride


While the big kids waited in line for a ride- Maisie Moo snuck in with the animals

Big Guy Joe

Let me outta here

More Pony Rides

Nellie, Julie, Jannie and Maisie

France on "Shorty"

Adorable Nellie

Running wild

Trying to get a group shot

Francie with "big girl envy"

Cowboy James with a Cowboy Scowl

Closest we got

Time for handwashing

That's right - no more licking your dirty hands Ms France

This day just gets better! Decorating mini cakes...

Look who wants some too- going for it.

Her favorite part

The beautiful birthday girl


Stella :)

Silly boys

What a good big brother

All tuckered out

But before we left I had to broker a PIG from the fair :) The meat was finally cured/smoked/butchered up for Janna and Molly