First Crush Pacific Sun Olive Oil Party

Before the Crush party, Sunday morning we went to 8:30 mass to hear Claire and Cathleen sign in the choir! Francie said "Good job Oma." Sacred Heart is such a pretty church and it was a nice mass with all the music. Francie got an A from Dad (he said he didn't hand out the "plus" because of a few little yelps but for the most part they behaved.

We saw this new "Sugar Shack Cafe" downtown Red Bluff and thought of our friend Suzi and the Menlo Park Sugar Shack! Too bad it was closed on Sunday morning... because more people don't want breakfast then anyway right?

Then to the First Crush Party! Pacific Sun throws a Crush Party every year and invite people to come see the Olive Oil Mill and processing plant, enjoy good food and music, sample the olive oils and balsamic vinegars and just have some fun. People even get to pick their own olives in the orchard and turn them into their own blend of olive oil. Pretty cool!

The line to sample and buy the Olive Oil varieties

Madeline took Francie to play as soon as we got there

Aunt Kat and I sampled the red wines

The Tri-Tip sandwhiches were delish, Francie gobbled up the "Rocky meat"

Francie dancing in front of the band- they were good!

Touring the Olive Oil Mill where they process the olives

They go from this....

to this!

We LOVE Pacific Sun Olive Oil :)

I don't know what kind of face Francie is making here - but we had a fun day at Pacific Farms. Home to nap then BACK to Gerber for the Lobster Feed....