Maisie Tries Real Food

If you call rice cereal "real food"! Thursday night we had Brian's Uncle Bob and Aunt Francy from Lake Oswego over for dinner- they were in town for the Stanford Alumni Reunion weekend and we got to steal them for a night. Jannie offered her house so we had pizzas and rice cereal... or at least one of us did :)

Francie made pizzas for us- only cheese on her mini pizza

Jannie, Francie, Dad, Maisie, and Uncle Mark

Jannie, ABA and I found new laterns for the tables out by the pizza oven

"Pizza anyone?"

Aunt Francy AKA "LaLa" spoiled her with gifts!

Dad held Maisie while we tried the rice cereal

"Where are you gonna put that stuff?"

Not so sure

She did pretty well chowing on the cereal after a few funny faces- Opa Bob (the pediatrician) told us to throw a little applesauce in there to liven it up :)

Francie asked Heff why he was wearing his "hunting clothes"

Trying it herself

Good first try Maisie Moo- welcome to food!