Stanford Study

On Tuesday Francie went to the Stanford Graduate Infant Studies Program to participate in a two-year-old language development study. She went twice when she was 18 months old and she'll go one more time next week. My mom took us to do some of these studies when we were little, it's fun to be a part of- especially since this is exactly what Auntie Baby Ann is doing in Nashville for her full time job right now! She works in the Child Development Program at Vanderbilt University in research studies involving language in Downs Syndrome children. She "codes" these videos like Francie did where they ask the kids to look at a certain object and track their eye movements. Heff came with us and got to go into "the studies" with Francie- he had fun doing it with her.

Dad signing away on forms while the girls play in the waiting area

The girls kept themselves busy for a little while before Francie went in another room to play with toys while they video taped her and Heff, then watched a series of short video's on Dad's lap

Outside the language lab - all done!

Francie was very proud of her certificate :)