Francie's First Day of Ballet

Ok, her first REAL day :) We went back Friday for round two and I got the class time right this time. Francie looked so cute in her ballet ensemble! She wore her leotard from Aunt Kat's wedding, a pink petal skirt, footless white tights and little ballet slippers from Target (might have to invest in "real" ballet shoes- these look exactly like my grandma Marmar's old house slippers) The little girls, all two year olds, were all so adorable! Francie was so into the class concentrating really hard on following the teacher. And since it is a "Mommy and Me" class I got a little workout too (that's how much of a whimp I am) It was such a fun class... Francie and I can't wait to go back!

Ready to dance

Francie sure had an entourage there to watch her! Oma, Opa, Jannie, Grampa, Aunt Sarah, Baby Clara and Maisie! Heff came too at the very end and we all went to Stacks for lunch of course :)

We knew two of the other moms in the class too

I don't look quite as cute as Francie does trying to dance ;)

She's got it!

Happy spectators

I love Opa's bright smile in this picture looking at Francie :) Thanks for coming to watch EVERYBODY!

After class and lunch we were off to the park

"when do I get to dance?"

off and running

Then we met Daddy back at Dr Cisco's office for Maisie's SIX MONTH checkup! She is 16 pounds and 90% in height (I missed the height measurement :) They both got a shot but no tears for Francie as the blue lollipop was a good distraction

Listening to Maisie's heartbeat after she checked out her cabbage patch doll she borrowed from Jannie's house named Frederica Charlotte... and "you can't call her Frederica- her name is Fed-a-rica Shar-let!" Okay, MaryFrances Borchard Heffernan :)

Then Clara came over for dinner at our house!
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I didn't take many pictures the rest of the night... but Francie did! I found a ton of pictures just like this on my card when I downloaded :)