All Closed Up

Thursday was supposed to be our first day of Francie's Ballet class at the Menlo Park Academy of Dance (where I took ballet when I was little too- really little before the lack of coordination set in :) Jannie met us at Stack's for breakfast before the class and we were taking our time around town waiting for the 11:30 class... which we got to just in time for all the cute little tutu-ed two year olds to be filing out of. I got the time wrong, it was 10:30!


Francie was a little miffed it was "All closed up" but settled for a trip to the toy store and playing at Brilliant Babies with Jannie and Maisie. It worked out fine since we go to go back to the Friday class and Oma and Opa (and her entourage, next post!) got to see her dance too.

Jannie and Maisie having tummy time

being silly with the kids at BB

"Mom, will you tell her not to step on my toy please"

Those big sisters....

The happy little Maisie Moo moved on to a new toy :)