A Stormy Day

Tuesday was rainy, windy and cold all day but we ventured out for a fun lunch date with my oldest friend Jen (our moms met in lamaze class!) and her boyfriend Zach... we stopped by Academic Trainers and Brilliant Babies then we hung out around the house until Jen and Zach came over for a few drinks when Heff got home from work. It was a fun day visiting with friends and trying to stay dry in the monsoon :)

In the morning Maisie fell asleep in my lap so I put her in the swing for a nap but didn't buckle her in for fear of waking her up... I went in the backyard to feed the chickens and clean up a little after the strom and when I came back in to check on her I found her on the floor! Not crying, not mad, not hurt thank goodness!... just crawling away with her blanket over her head going for the exersaucer.

Then we went to the new Primavera Cafe at Allied Arts... it was nice and cozy in the rain and great to catch up with Jen and Zach!

Francie climbed up on the counter to reach the candy corn jar... "Just ONE MORE Mom!?"

What a little stinker ;)

She also climbed in to her sisters bassinet (old bassinet now!) and told me she was putting her baby she named "Vofa" to sleep... shhh, shhh, shhhhh

and little Maisie just keeps smiling

Zach and Jen came over for a few beers and we even snuck in a game of Super-Scrabble. They need to move back here :)

Good thing she likes bows! (her hair is getting a little out of control without one in!)

And in other news, Violet and Wittle Violet "got a bath" :) I told you... exciting things going on around here!