Orbit Baby Babies

We have the "Orbit Infant System" for Maisie's carseat and stroller and we love how easy it is to use/fold/throw in the car :) My friend Lena and her daughter Rose were in playgroup with the founders/inventors of the Orbit and asked us to come take some pictures of their new organic line of carseat/stroller material and the new winter cozy footmuffs. We went to their offices a few months ago and the girls posed in the strollers for their cameras- they just released the new products so I can finally blog them! Maisie is wearing a "JanKnit" original hat that was the perfect color for the new silver footmuffs :)

Francie in what she called "a camp bed for my stroller" (it was still 90 degrees outside)

I love how plain and simple the new covers are... and "green" too ;)

Francie peaking out

Rose in the big girl carseat next to Maisie who wouldn't quite give up the binky!