Lunch at The Goose

Saturday before Heff left for his whirlwind 32 hour fishing trip to the Oregon border (yes, he is crazy) we met my good friends Tim and Ryan and their families at the Dutch Goose for burgers and beers. Tim and Ryan and I were best friends in High School... we worked the Tuesday night shift together at the Ronald McDonald House for 4 years. They taught me how to get in trouble :) Tim and his wife Catherine have two little girls and Ryan and his wife Jennie are due with a baby girl in March. We caught up after their childbirth class and gave them our two cents on the first baby drill! The little girls had fun playing together...

Francie lights up when she gets to hold a baby :)

"You're letting HER hold me!?" (cute Josephina is four months old)

Jennie and Ryan will probably have baby Sophia next time we seem them!

Tim, Cat and Josephina

Phina with her big sad eyes! (I was holding her, she wanted dad)

Chella in her pink "Santa Baby" dress

Daddy and The Doo playing Big Game Hunter... of course.

Ryan and Marcella watch the hunting duo

Heff just realized his daughter is a great excuse to play $1.00 video games at the Dutch Goose