Francie's Doll-Dolls

Francie LOVES her baby dolls more and more everyday. We now have to take "Pattie" the Cabbage Patch Doll everywhere we go along with her little stuffed animal doggie "Sophie". She got Sophie for her birthday and Pattie for Christmas so at least we are 2 for 2 :) She holds her tight in her carseat and drags her around behind her. When we are home she hides her dolls under her crib and plays with them in their little fort, makes beds for them, rocks them and tries to feed them. Here is a little video clip where she introduces you to Pattie and Kelly (my first doll a Madame Alexander "Huggums" I got when I was 1 and loved so much her her face is totally pale and her hair is struggling although Jannie gave her a conditioning treatment to fix her up a little!), Bath-Doll and Doll-doll (Baby-Doll didn't make the cut)

She likes to wrap her dolls up in our baby "cozy"...

...and tries her hardest to carry them around the house

Sometimes she gets in and hides too ;) (She just barely still fits in this!)


She orders Ollie around like one of her dolls...

And she wears them in the Snugli... with a little help from Mom.

I wonder where she got that from?! (circa 1982;)

Francie loves her dollies :)

Hopefully she will love her REAL baby doll just as much! (My first and only "belly shot" at almost 29 weeks... and yes I cut bangs. Thanks for the deliberation and vote Kerri and ABA!)