Beer in the Cah-Cah

The other night (I've been slacking on the blogging front, sorry) we walked down to our neighbors for dinner with Francie's car in tow. Our neighbors Louis and Jessica have a baby 6 days older than Francie named Ruby (she is so cute!) and Luke (5) and Lily (3) too. Our friends the Ryan's were there too with Willie (5) and Anna (3) so everybody had a buddy to play with. Francie and Ruby were dualing in their matching cars (Francie was only a little jealous that Ruby's was pink) and sharing toys in her playpen. They all behaved relatively well while we had a nice BBQ dinner outside.... Heff only had to turn the water gun back on Willie twice, may be a new record.

Lily and Anna chowing down on chips and salsa

Luke in the "pink" car

The baby girls chillin' in the playpen swapping binkys

Francie forgot which way these things go

Lily post-dress up chest raid

The warrior-princess three year olds

"Nap time" in the stroller for Francie-pants (and yes, I realize 7pm is bedtime for most 11 month olds but Francie rocks the 7-8:30pm NAP and then rallies for Letterman before going down for the night)