The Little Big Girl

I love "the squat":) Francie was watching Dad clean off the patio and give the bikes a bath the other day, she is always intrigued by water and somehow gets it all over her in two seconds flat. She is all over the place now that she is a big one year old... I'm sitting her watching the Today Show (which BTW I am mad at as they are broadcasting from my old college town Colonial Williamsburg and all they are talking about is University of Virginia three hours away and how all the smartest students in VA go to UVA" what!?... no mention of The College of William & Mary when it's one block away!) and Francie was playing with her dolls and doll buggy and new trike when she walked right over to the front door, stands on her tippy-toes and opens the door to walk right outside and say hi to the neighbors walking to school! Dad came home from a breakfast meeting and she is at the fence waving to greet him (and I of course look like I don't watch her at all) She has opinions about everything too... yesterday Jannie took her to visit our favorite nun, Sister Saizan, and Francie was not a fan of all the nice little nuns fawning over her. Apparently she would only say "Bye-Bye" to them and she looked at Jannie with her eyebrows raised and said "Go-Go. Cah-Cah Ja-Ja." (translated to "Lets Go. Back to the Car Jannie!") and was blowing kisses like crazy to get herself out of there asap. What happened to my baby girl!?

And she's off...

Think the pants might be a little too long? :)