Francie Loves her Oma and Jannie!

Francie was a very lucky girl for her first birthday and got very nice presents from her friends and her family (despite my plea for no gifts on her party invitation!) Her Oma and Jannie gave her very thoughtful gifts she LOVES. Here is a video of Francie opening her "Bitty Baby" American Girl dolly from Oma. She has been carrying it around everywhere, she hugs and kisses her dolly and tries to feed her food. This was Francie's first dolly that wasn't a hand-me-down. Thanks Oma and Opa! She LOVES it and loves the adorable wooden doll carriage to push around... we just got that one out of the box :) You've started a great tradition for first birthdays! (Is Patrick going to get the boy Bitty Baby? :)

Jannie stayed up til 2am the nights before Francie's birthday to work on a Memory book extraordinaire to document her travels to the fifty states in "Francie's Book of States!" It is soo cute and will be a great way to keep track of her "states list" since we have an ongoing competition in our family. (Heff thinks Jannie and I "cheated" on a few of ours! But I didn't... airport layovers do not count!) Francie is doing pretty well with SIX states in her first big year. Jannie has also become quiet a scrapbooker apparently! (Baby Ann is very jealous and wants a Semester at Sea Scrapbook pronto.) Thanks Jannie!