Francie's First Birthday PARTY!

Saturday afternoon we had Francie's First Birthday Party at our house. It was "Francie Camp" theme with camp tents and chairs in the backyard, burgers, beers and of course S'mores. We had lots of friends and family out for the big day, the aunts and uncles came out in full force and even got hotel rooms at the Sheraton so they could "Go Big" for Francie's big day! We had the party between 3-9pm so Francie's friends could come by before or after nap time but we had a big crowd the whole time, Heff kept throwing more and more burgers on the grill and asked me "Mare, how many more people do you think are coming?" Thanks to our half-a-cow, we didn't run out! Francie got to wear her new birthday Tory Burch tunic from her Auntie Em, it was a big hit :) Thanks everybody for making Francie's First Birthday such a fun celebration!

Francie Camp!

Emmy and Francie

Uncle John, Allison and Jerry

Emmy, James, Ella and Luke playing in the tent with Francie who it high-tailing it out...

Heff taking a break from manning the BBQ to say hi to Em and Uncle Jerry

Francie fell asleep for an hour during her own party! Jannie stole cute little Landry from her parents while she was missing her :) Landry the Texas Girl looks good in a cowboy hat!

Francie woke up from her power-nap for an outfit change to her evening wear (Of course she had to wear her new tunic!) and to open her new Steiff elephant rocker from Anne and Sergey. She is a lucky little girl!

There were babies everywhere!

Jannie and Ella put the Angelfood cakes WITH raspberries together to sing Happy Birthday

She looked bewildered when everyone stopped singing to her again... Gauntie Kaky and Gauntie Mimi gave her a few more encore rounds :)

But she was happy when she got her piece without berries on it!

MORE PICTURES TO COME! Have to upload batch number 2 :)