FRANCIE TURNED ONE! I can't believe our little baby girl is one year old. It seems like we were just in the hospital starring at her, still in shock we were parents to this beautiful baby girl. She is so much fun, full of personality and has lots to teach her parents. She has been a joy for us to watch grow up into such a big girl in just a year. We treasure every minute and don't want her to get a day older, but we look forward to being a part of her very big life. We are so lucky to be your mom and dad Francie and we love you SOO much! Happy First Birthday to our favorite little Doodle. WE LOVE YOU FRANCIE!

We had a busy day to celebrate Francie's birthday...we went into the office in the morning to go out to a special breakfast with Dad!

Not interested in standing still anymore... but remember when she only was as hig as the "South Boundary" line on Grampa's map, now she's almost a whole head taller.

At Stacks chewing the table. Can't wait for the pancakes.

In her silly bib eating her first Mickey Mouse pancakes (I know she looks ridiculous, Heff asked me if she was ready for her art project:) I did't want her birthday bubble suit to get syrup all over it!

We realized we didn't even have any presents for Francie-pants! (bad parents) but a stop at Cheeky Monkey toy store solved the problem. She pointed to this huge tower of stuffed doggies and made her "who-who" doggie noise and grabbed this little doggie which she barely let go of the rest of the day!

Thanks Daddy:)

More fun in the toy store

Then Jannie came to wish Francie a big Happy Birthday and brought her a new trike! Jannie painted and stenciled it herself, Francie loves it :)

She prefers to ride backwards so she can push with her feet

After lunch outside at Cafe Baronne with Jannie and playing at Brilliant Babies for awhile... Dad came home from work early and we drove up to San Francisco to go to Cousin Emmy's SJSU vs USF soccer game.

Francie loves watching "Emm-ma" play with the "ba-ball" and got to toddle around on the turf at half time

Happy Birthday Big Girl!

Bundled up in the SF fog with Jannie, Uncle James and Aunt Em

I see you through my bunny hat!

We all fall down...

Funny girl

Auntie Em showing off her gymnastics skills too!

Waiting to say hi to the soccer superstar

YAY EMMY!!! Good game Emmers

Francie meets the team

Number ONE for Emmy and for Francie's Birthday!

After the game we all went to dinner at a pizza place nearby (thanks for the recommendation Mary Kane!) and had a celebration for the Little Doo

I had to bring our family tradition birthday cake... Angel Food with whipped cream and pink/white Animal Cookies! (I had to frost it at the restaurant:)

We usually put raspberries in the whipped cream but just like her Uncle Jerry who picked them all off on his second or third birthday and exclaimed "I hate berwies" Francie picks her berries out of every meal and refuses to eat them!

Here is your very first birthday cake Francie-pants

"Pretty good stuff mom"

Opening presents! A vintage "Friend for Frances" CareBear book from the Coogans!! (Thanks Anne, Sarah and Molly! I love it:)

Woah Uncle James... Francie loved opening AND playing with her new quack-quack wooden push-along duck! (auntie Em's gift is being held secret until Francie can wear it!!)

Grampa gave her a GIANT pink piggy bank filled with mostly quarters :) But it BROKE in the box!

Francie likes to give away money...

Straight to coin-star and in her savings account!

Happy Birthday to You... "Dad, why is everyone looking at me?" (But she did sign "more, more!" when we finished singing to her, she loves the attention:)