Summer Playdate at Francie's

Wednesday we had a Summer Playdate at our house for Icie's birthday and to get the babies together to enjoy the warm weather and get some use out of the playpit. Some of the older boys are walking and everyone is talking and playing together more than they have before... it's funny to see them fight over toys :) Francie was a little miffed when other kids got to ride her beloved "cah." It was a fun afternoon but our thoughts are all with our friend Aliza who couldn't be there :(

Baby Stella (who lives four houses away) hanging out on the blankets

Estelle and Francie scheming on how to get Leo out of the car

Estelle proud of herself for getting the drivers seat back

Wesley doing anything but napping in Francie's Pinked-Out crib

It was such a warm day I had to borrow the neighbors umbrella out of their yard while they were out of town!

Paige and Wes after the nap didn't happen

Cute half naked baking babies in the shade

Francie thought it was funny to climb underneath the bar table

again and again...

Icie the Birthday Girl!

Isaac with his new blond locks (and his mom Lindsey is expecting a baby in March... she's the first one to go for number two!)

Little Miss Natalie (who is also a neighbor and shares a birthday with Baby Stella!)

Natalie's mom Moriah (left) and Stella's mom Gretchen (right). We are so lucky to have so many baby girl neighbors!

Still under the table

The big guy Carson in his "shorts"

We were all trying to figure out why little boy shorts are all SO long!?

*Next few photos courtesy of guest photographer Paige Kron :) (happy now Paige?)
Francie says "Paige. WHAT are you doing with my mom's camera? She always tells me 'NO NO' when I touch it!"

Isaac with the ball before the fight over it begins

Lindsey, Heather and Erika. Moms to...

The big boys Isaac, Carson and Leo

We all very much missed our friend Aliza who was just recently diagnosed with and is battling leukemia (infant ALL). She is back east with her parents and their families and just started chemo on Monday. Aliza is in all of our thoughts and prayers constantly and we sent her our love from all of her CA playdate friends.

Obviously the babies all miss Aliza :(

Kelli and Landry

Moriah and Natalie

Gretchen and Stella

Icie "blowing out the candles" on her Jello-shot "cake" (yes, we think we are 20)

Leo says "Oh these mothers never stop talking"

Landry crawling on over to Carson and Leo

Michael and Leo... "Whatta you lookin' at?"

With Ollie locked safely away in the house I brought out the chickens... they were a big hit and survived the little death grips :)