Summer Loving

The other day we had Wes and Estelle over for an impromptu playdate in the backyard. It was HOT so the babies played naked in their very chic diapers and sported their sippy cups.

Francie stands on her own when she doesn't notice she is doing it :)

Estelle and her mom in a heart to heart over sippy cups

Wes says "Um. You're in my way."

Francie driving full speed ahead!

Estelle says "You taking pictures of my bum Francie's-Mom?"

"I know you did... you better not blog that picture!"

Look at those naked buns of steal working hard to help the girls stand up!

Wes is not happy with us at all... now Icie put a headband on him. poor guy :)

"Yeah enough. Get this thing off my head."

Estelle did you just eat dirt again??