Heffernan Family Reunion ~ Monday

More pictures from our Heffernan Reunion week! Tuesday we spent most of the day at the pool and the snack bar. Aunt Kat and I got to visit the Spa and were treated to a massage/mani-pedi (I love vacation) and we had just enough time after the sun to turn around and head to dinner!

Francie Flower Pants in her Fancy Francie Sunhat poolside

"Why'd you leave this pool thing for a massage mom? Isn't it enough when I climb all over you?"

Doodle and Daddy

After the pool the girls got all dolled up in their new bubble suits Oma and Aunt Kat brought back from Bergdorfs on their NYC trip to walk to dinner at Bob and Francy's house.... they love double riding in the chariot!

The Trouble Makers... Oma and Opa's four girls Ellie, Katie, Isabel and Francie

Ellie, the leader of the pack

Kate, catching up with her big sister with her funny little cartoon voice

Isabel Rose, lots of personality and crazy to think we all lined up on these steps one year ago with a banner announcing her arrival into the world!

and Little Miss Francie-Pants holding her spot as the grand"baby" for another 6 weeks
"Huh? You mean there is another one coming?"

Adults around the snacks and wine... kids around the dirt and mud

Uncle Craig and Oma

Izza-Bizza not into her purple bow (somehow, much to Jannie's chagrin Francie doesn't mind her bows at all!)

Ashley helps put it right back in :)

They fooled her

Cute Ally (Alastair) on the bike

Bill (Ally's dad) taking a break from mixing drinks to make Francie cry :)


FFF!! (as Aunt Kat calls it... Forced Family Fun!)

Traffic jam

"LET US IN!" (I love those chubby legs!)