'"Cause Every Child Needs to Develop"

 Auntie Baby Ann (ABA) is getting her Masters in Child Development at Vanderbilt this year... this was her major too so she can complete the masters program in just a year (and avoid getting into the real world for another 12 months... KIDDING Ann:) When we were in Nashville for her graduation weekend we went on this hilarious tour called "Nash Trash" where they show you the sights of Nashville and make fun of everyone on board their Big Pink Bus... they asked Ann what program she graduated with and when she told them Child Development they said "Oh good... 'cause every child needs to develop. You'll always have a job."  

So she is doing research on Child Literacy and had to make a PowerPoint presentation with a "Public Service" ad at the end (above) Francie AND Heff got to star in ABA's presentation.... I don't know if I can handle my husband and baby's newfound fame! :)