Francie's New Toys

Monday Aunt Kat, Francie and I ran a few errands... she got me out of the house at 9:30am (I'm still kind of sick, but I rallied) and we hit the mother-lode of "my husband refuses to go to" stores. In this order: Target, Applebee's for lunch (I can't help it, but I LOVE the Oriental Chicken Salad!) Mervyn's, Toys R Us, JoAnn's Fabrics, Old Navy and JoAnn's fabric again... only this time it was the one 15 miles away. WOW. We almost went to WalMart to top it all off but resisted in favor of the bottle of wine waiting for us at home. We were on a mission for some "surprises" for the Heffernan Family Reunion week and it had to be done.  We cleared out the clearance bin at Redwood City JoAnn's and had to hit up the Mountain View one because we needed TWO MORE of the "surprises" to account for all 35 adults and 12 kiddies who will hopefully all be at the reunion (anyone who doesn't show up owes us the time we sat in traffic on the freeway to drive to Mountain View. No, really it wasn't that bad. :) We can't wait to bring the treats to the Heffs in Black Butte!

Francie did get some new TOYS at Toys R Us.  This was my first trip to Toys R Us actually having my own child. I can foresee many more trips to that dark hole unless I can instill my love of Amazon Prime on my daughter. The first new favorite toy is this Step 2 Kangaroo Climber. She loved the Carter Triplets and I hadn't even thought about something like this for her age but right out of the box it kept her entertained for two hours while Aunt Kat and I worked on personalizing the surprises. (As you can see she can hardly contain her excitement in the top picture... I took this as soon as I put her in it for the first time)

"Come on Ollie, I'll show you how to do it."

Francie also got her first car :) She loves it! She says "ca! ca!" when she sees it and I can push her around the sidewalk. I saw one of my friends at playgroup with one of these for her little boy and she says she throws it in the car and uses it as a stroller sometimes!

Silly Francie Faces... out in the front yard again for Round Two in PJ's

"I love my new toys... I can't even decide which one to play with!"

She figured out how to climb half way up and SLIDE down... "Weee!"

Open. Close. Open. Close... All night long :)