Kids on the Block

Wednesday night we caught up with the neighbors on the sidewalk. The babies crawled all over the place (cute little Ruby in the picture above is only 8 days older than Francie!) and Emma talked her secret baby-language talk to them. Emma cracks me up, when I told her our dog had died while I was holding Francie Emma said "If your dog died why is Francie so happy?" and when I told her Francie didn't really understand yet she said "Oh. Well do you want me to tell her!?" and proceeded to say straight to Francie "Do-do-blah-blah-blah-la-la. La-la-la." and looked at me and said "Now she gets it." before running back in her house. She is hilarious!

Emma getting a kiss from Francie...

Francie and I with Emma!

Francie was a little dirty after crawling up and down the sidewalk all night so she got her first real bath in the big tub without a baby bathtub inside it! Such a big girl...

Her top tooth is about to break through, you can see a tiny little white blister... She didn't seem too bothered by it until it was time for bed and she was screaming her head off so Dad saved her to read her favorite book one more time. Can you see the big tears still in her eyes!