Francie's Ooo-la-LA Trip Tuesday

Francie and I went down to LA for the day on Tuesday for a fun-filled day of lunching, shopping and hanging out with the girls.  My good friends Anne and Linda (who co-founded 23andMe together) had a couple of meetings in LA so Francie and I hitched a ride for the day!  23 and Me is a personal human genome service... you "Spit" (in the test kit below) and they tell you everything you ever wanted to know about your genes, ancestry and inheritance. It is a great service for families so Francie and I are helping find ways to promote the business to new moms... my favorite topic.  We had a FUN day in the LA heat with the girls and even got some "business" done too.

"Where are we going Mom?"  ... Don't worry it will be fun Francie!

Linda shows Francie the "Airplanes!" as we take off 

"Call my agent. And stop taking pictures of me without paying my royalties"

 Mom and the Doodle getting ready to land in LA-LA-land

Francie LOVED Linda... who wouldn't when she gives you blackberries to slober on!

While the girls had their first meeting, Francie and I met my sister-in-law Andrea and Isabel for lunch. It was so nice of Andrea to change their plans and meet us in LA on a last minute request!

The girls seemed so excited to see each other and were crawling all over the place giving hugs 

We found a baby store to do a little shopping of course

Cousin love! Francie missed her Izza-Bizza.

After lunch, Anne and Linda and I met some friends in Beverly Hills for some shopping. Francie wanted to navigate through the LA traffic for us...

"Hand over the keys Mom, I'm sick of this backseat driving thing."

Shopping for Chanel bags Fancy-Francy-Pants?

"I like this one Mom"

Francie, seeing as you have Simonson AND Heffernan genes...  you will never be able to shop for fashionable shoes like these :)

Francie on Melrose

How could we leave LA without a little PinkBerry?

Knocked out and ready to head home

"Humm, I fall asleep in a car... and I wake up on an airplane?" 

"OOOhhh.... I like flying like this mom."

She was on the move the  whole trip home

"Come and get me!" She managed to close herself in the bathroom for a little quiet time

I brought her favorite "DOG" book of course :) Francie showed Anne her favorite parts

We were home in time to have dinner at home with Dad to celebrate our 2 year anniversary! Happy 2 years Heff :) Thanks for letting Francie and I go on an adventure today!