Triplet Lunch Date

Thursday we had a pizza oven party at my parents house with Georgia, Kim and the Carter triplets Danny, Drew and Dylan. They are out visiting for two weeks from Philly and it was so much fun to see how big they have gotten. They are almost 15 months old now and had never met Francie as she was born right after they moved to PA. We had fun running after three babies all afternoon and Jannie cooked up some delicious pizzas for all of us!

Jannie says "Francie we've got THREE cute boys coming over here to play!"

Danny not giving up the football

Georgia and the busy little guy Drew

"You want a piece of me?" Dylan

Francie wore her "Three Cupcake" bubble suit to meet the three little carter cupcakes :)

Danny holding hands with Francie

Georgia, Kim, the triplets and Francie hanging out with Jannie's toys on a blanket in the shade

Danny giggling on the upswing

And double duty with Andrew

Busy babies on the swing set

Kim and Danny

Virginia and Dylan (she was a big help when they were newborns too)

Francie and Danny exploring

All three boys surround and Francie bonked her head but she's tough enough to handle these big guys! :)

We walked them back home (three doors down the street) after lunch. That's a lot of baby :)